Kids Stories

The Tortoise And The Hare

Moral of the story
Slow and steady wins the race. When you work hard, stay focused, you can achieve anything, even when it seems impossible.

The story began when the hare who has won many races proposed a race with the tortoise. The hare simply wanted to prove that he was the best and have the satisfaction of beating him.

The tortoise agreed and the race began.

The hare got a head start but became overconfident towards the end of the race. His ego made him believe that he could win the race even if he rested for a while.

And so, he took a nap right near the finish line.

Meanwhile, the tortoise walked slowly but extremely determined and dedicated. He did not give up for a second and kept persevering despite the odds not being in his favour.

While the hare was asleep, the tortoise crossed the finish line and won the race!

The best part was that the tortoise did not gloat or put the hare down!

Moral of the story
Slow and steady wins the race. When you work hard, stay focused, you can achieve anything, even when it seems impossible.

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