Kids Stories

Never Proud of False Things

There lived a mouse in a forest. The rat was very arrogant and thought that there was no one else in this world like him. One day an elephant came from somewhere in the forest. All the animals in the forest started praising the elephant after seeing its huge body. The mouse could not tolerate the praise of the elephant and he said – “What is there in this elephant that I do not have? Like this elephant, I too have four legs, two eyes, one head and one tail, but it has ears. Look how dirty he looks, his teeth are sticking out and look how long his nose is. My teeth, nose and ears are all very beautiful.”

There was also a cat in the crowd of animals. Seeing the rat, its mouth watered and it attacked the rat. The rat ran away with great difficulty, saving its life. A hungry dog saw the rat and the cat running away and the dog chased the cat and the rat. Seeing the dog the cat ran away but the mouse could not run away. The dog went after the rat and then the elephant came in front of the rat and the rat escaped by getting crushed under the feet of the elephant. The dog ran away after seeing the elephant. The mouse’s life was saved because of the elephant.

Moral- “This story teaches us that we should never be proud of false things.”

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