Kids Stories

King of fruits

Once upon a time, there were many types of fruits in a beautiful garden. There were mango, apple, banana, guava, and pomegranate trees. Each fruit was unique and delicious, beautiful in its own way. All of them tried to attract the attention of the gardener of the garden, Ramu Kaka.

The oldest and the biggest mango tree in the garden was named ‘Aam Raja’. Aam Raja nurtured the other fruit trees around him under his shade. The mango fruits were big, sweet and juicy. Everyone was happy to eat them. They were very sweet and tasty fruits.

Right next to the mango tree was a small and delicate apple tree. The apple was red and shiny. He always wished he was big and powerful like the mango king. But the apple was very proud of its juiciness and sweetness, because whoever tasted it once, wanted to eat it again and again.

One day, a new tree was planted in the garden. This tree was a pomegranate. Pomegranate fruits had small seeds, which looked very beautiful and were also delicious to eat. The pomegranate tree was welcomed very well by the other trees in the garden and became a new member of the garden.

Once upon a time, a strong storm came in the garden. All the trees were very scared. The mango king tried to protect the small trees with his strong branches, but the wind was so strong that all the trees started bending. Then the pomegranate tree held the seeds of its fruits tightly and strengthened its roots. It also supported the small trees near it by holding them with its roots.

After the storm was over, the mango king saw how bravely the pomegranate tree had saved everyone. He praised the pomegranate tree and said, “We all thank you for your bravery. You taught us all that true strength lies not in size, but in courage of heart.”

After this, all the fruits in the garden started respecting each other and started living happily together. The mango king gave equal love and respect to apple, banana, guava and pomegranate. Everyone understood that every fruit has its own specialty and this diversity is the real beauty of the garden.

And in this way that beautiful garden became a symbol of unity and love of all the fruits. All the fruits there became famous not only for their taste but also for their mutual love and support.

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