Kids Stories

Handling problems

There was a boy named Harry and he was very sad. His father found him crying.

When his father asked Harry why he was crying, he said that he had a lot of problems in his life. His father just smiled and asked him to bring a potato, an egg, and some coffee beans. He put them in three bowls.

He then asked Harry to feel their texture and then instructed him to fill each bowl with water.

Harry did as he was told. His father then boiled all three bowls.

Once the bowls had cooled, Harry’s father asked him to feel the textures of different foods again.

Harry noticed that the potato had become soft and its skin was peeling easily; The egg had become hard; The coffee beans themselves were completely transformed and filled the water bowl with aroma and flavor.


What we learn from this story is that there will always be problems and pressures in life, like the boiling water in the story. It’s how you react to these problems that matter most!

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