Kids Stories

Elephant of circus

It is a long time ago. There used to be a very big circus. Many animals used to perform various types of stunts in this circus.

There used to be a herd of elephants here which used to entertain people with many tricks. Once in that circus five elephants performed circus tricks. After the feat was over, he was kept tied with a weak rope, from which he could have easily escaped, but he never left.

One day a circus-goer asked the ringmaster: “Why didn’t these elephants break the rope and run away?” To this question the ringmaster replied: “When they were small, these elephants were tied with a thin rope, but because they were small, they could not free themselves from that rope no matter how hard they tried.

Gradually his efforts diminished and he accepted in his mind that he could not free himself from these ropes and run away. “The elephants were made to believe that they were not strong enough to break the ropes and escape.”

Therefore, when they grow up, they are easily tied with the same rope. Because of this belief of those people, they did not even try to break the ropes. But if seen, they can easily break all these ropes in a single moment, but they do not do so.


From this story we learn that we should not bow down to the limits of society. At the same time, we must believe that we can achieve everything we want!

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