Kids Stories

Devil cat and mouse

Long time ago, a devil cat always troubled many rats. In such a situation, all the rats thought of finding a solution to this problem. Once upon a time all the rats gathered to discuss their biggest issue!

This devil cat who is chasing rats and catching and eating them! “This is chaos!” A mouse said angrily.

“We need to find a solution that can warn us when the cat is coming!” Said another.

In such a situation, a worried mouse said, “Can we decide the solution to this problem a little sooner, otherwise the cat may see us here too”. At this point, an old mouse raised his paw and said: “Let’s find a quick solution!”

The rats soon began discussing ideas. Many rats provided their different opinions. One said “We will have a watchtower to warn us!”

While another said, “We should all go in groups to avoid getting eaten by the cat!” Then another mouse among them suggested, “I have an idea”, “Let’s tie a bell around the cat’s neck!”

So when the cat walks around, the bell around its neck will also make a sound, thereby alerting us to its presence!” All the rats agreed with this suggestion.
This was the best idea, said all the rats in unison! “Ok! So, who will bell the cat?” Asked the old mouse.

There was silence when this was asked! Soon, one by one all the rats ran away silently. In the end only the old mouse remained.


From this story we learn that excessive greed causes great harm. It is good not to steal from others or wish for others for selfish reasons.

A good work never goes waste, it definitely bears fruit when the time comes.

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