Kids Stories

Cat and Magician

There lived a magician in a city. The magician was very famous. He had many servants working with him. The magician had two cats.

The magician used to show amazing magic. He had a magic wand. With the magic wand, he would make a cat small and another cat big on the stage.

When children saw the cats becoming big and small in front of their eyes, they could not believe their eyes.

The magician also had a black coat. He used to show magic wearing that.

One day, one cat said to the other – “This magician earns a lot of money by making us big and small. Why don’t we steal his magic wand? With that, we can break the lock of the cage and run away.”

The other cat said – “That’s all right, but we will have to steal that coat along with that wand, only then the magic will work.”

The magician kept his wand and coat very carefully. That coat and wand were given to him by his teacher.

One day, when the magician was showing magic on cats, he made a cat small. The other cat was watching the magician swinging the stick carefully.

In the evening when the show was over, the magician went to rest. Both the cats were drinking milk.

Getting the chance, one cat picked up the stick and the other picked up the coat.

The cat who stole the coat quickly wore the coat. As soon as he wore it, he got magical powers and quickly snatched the stick from the other cat’s hand.

The second cat said – “Come on sister, this is a good opportunity. Let’s break the lock and run away from here.”

Hearing this, the first cat started laughing – “I am not afraid of anyone now.” Saying this, he pointed the stick towards the other cat. Due to which the other cat became very small.

The cat wearing the coat quickly broke the lock and went outside. The smaller cat said – “Sister, you have not done well to me, have pity on me and take me with you.”

But the cat wearing the coat said arrogantly – “Now I can make anyone do anything. That is why I don’t need you anymore. You keep rotting here.”

The cat wearing the coat left. Then she remembered something. She came back and said – “This magician has made me small and big many times. Now I will make him small. This will teach him a lesson.”

She turns the stick towards the magician. The magician gets a shock. He gets up. But the magic of the stick does not affect him. Seeing this the cat is surprised.

Then the magician says – “The Guru who taught me this art also told me the way to cut it.”

The magician quickly moves forward and catches the cat. He gets his coat and stick back.

Then he ties the cat with a rope and hangs it upside down.

After that he sets the small cat right.

The big cat hangs hungry and thirsty for twelve hours. Then it apologizes to the magician.

But now the magician gets a chance to show a new spectacle. Now he would give the stick to the other cat and make it make the cat with the coat smaller.

This caused a lot of pain to that cat but the children would be very happy to see a cat performing magic and the magician would earn a lot of money.

Moral: One should never betray those who support you in times of trouble.

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