Kids Stories

Brave Rat

Long ago, there lived a little mouse named Tiku in a small village. Tiku may have looked small, but he had a big heart and was very brave. Despite his size, he always dreamed of going on an adventure and proving himself to other animals.

One day, a ferocious cat arrived in the village, causing all the animals to live in fear. They were so scared that they were afraid to even leave their homes and collect food. In such a situation, the village was rapidly running out of resources. Tiku knew very well that he had to do something to save his friends and home.

He now came up with a plan to defeat the cat and set out on his own adventure. He found a shiny bell and tied it to his tail. He then entered the cat’s house while she was sleeping and rang the bell loudly. The cat woke up startled and followed the noise and ran out of the village. Because of Tiku’s bravery, the village had now become safe for other animals.

The other animals were amazed at Tiku’s bravery and thanked him for saving their home. From then on, Tiku became known as the bravest mouse in the village.

Even the smallest creature can bring about a big change if it has courage and determination.

The lion replied: “Actually the grass is green.” The tiger asked:- “So why are you punishing me ?”.

The lion replied: – “This has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because a brave and intelligent creature like you can’t waste time arguing with a donkey and then come on top and bother me with that question.”

The worst waste of time is to argue with a fool and a fanatic, who does not care about truth or reality, but only about the victory of his beliefs and delusions. Don’t waste time on arguments that make no sense.

There are people who, no matter how much evidence and proof is presented to them, are unable to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred, and resentment, and what they don’t want is to be right. want.

We learn from this story that when a fool shouts, intelligence becomes silent. Your peace and tranquility are worth more.

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