Kids Stories

The Milkmaid and Her Dreams

Once upon a time, there lived a milkmaid named Lucy in a village. She used to earn money by selling the milk of her cows so that she could survive.

One day, she milked her cow and went out to sell milk in the market with two buckets of milk carried on a stick. As she was going to the market, she started daydreaming about what she would do with the money she got for the milk.

She started thinking many things in his mind. She thought of buying a hen and selling its eggs. Then with that money she started dreaming of buying a cake, a basket of strawberries, a fancy dress and even a new house. In this way she planned to become rich in a short time.

In her excitement, she forgot about both the buckets she was carrying and started dropping them. Suddenly, she felt the milk falling down and when she checked her buckets, they were empty. Seeing this she started crying and regretted her mistake.


It is important to focus not only on success but on the process of achieving success.

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