Kids Stories

Dog searching for Food

Long time ago, there once was a dog who roamed the streets day and night in search of food.

One day, he found a big juicy bone and he immediately caught it between his mouth and carried it towards home. On his way home, he had to cross a river. There he noticed that another dog was looking exactly at him, who also had a bone in his mouth.

This created greed in the dog’s mind and he started wanting that bone for himself. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the bone he was cutting fell into the river and drowned. This happened because the other dog was none other than his own shadow, which he could see in the water. Now that the bone in his mouth had fallen into the water, he remained hungry that night and went to his home.


If we are always jealous of others, we will have to learn a lesson like a greedy dog, and we will also lose what we already have.

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