Kids Stories

Story of arrogant rose

Once upon a time, far away in a desert, there was a rose plant which was very proud of its beautiful form (rose flower). Her only complaint was that it was growing next to an ugly cactus.

Every day, the beautiful rose would insult Cactus and make fun of him on his looks, while Cactus would remain silent. All the other plants nearby tried to convince Rose, but she too was impressed by her own appearance.

A scorching heat, the desert dried up, and there was no water left for the plants. The rose started withering quickly. Its beautiful petals dried up, lost their juicy color.

One afternoon, Rose saw a sparrow dipping its beak into a cactus to drink some water. Seeing this, there was some hesitation in Rose’s mind.

Although feeling shy, Rose asked the cactus if she could have some water. In response, the kind cactus readily agreed. While Rose realized her mistake, they helped each other to overcome this difficult summer.

The lesson we learn from this story is to never judge someone by the way they look.


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