Kids Stories

Hurdles on the way

Long ago, a king deliberately placed a big rock in the middle of the road. He hid in a big bush nearby. He wanted to see who could move the rock out of the way.

Many people started coming and going through that path but no one thought it right to remove that rock. Even many ministers and rich businessmen of the king’s court passed through that route, but no one thought it right to remove it. On the contrary, they held the king responsible for this hindrance.

Many people loudly accused the king of not keeping the roads clean, but none of them did anything to remove the stones from the road.

Just then a farmer came with a load of vegetables. On reaching the boulder (rock), the farmer put down his load and tried to push the stone out of the road. After a lot of hard work, he finally got success.

When the farmer went back to collect his vegetables, he saw a bag on the road where the stone had fallen.

The bag contained several gold coins and a note from the king explaining that the gold was for the person who removed the rock from the road.


The lesson we learn from this story is that every obstacle we face in life allows us to improve our circumstances, and while the lazy complain, others create opportunities through their kind hearts, generosity and willingness to work.

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