Kids Stories

10 Lines on Healthy Lifestyle

1) Healthy lifestyle maintains a proper balance between physical and mental health.

2) The current generation spends too much time on gadgets and desk jobs with very little physical work leading to negative health consequences.

3) A healthy lifestyle helps to avoid doing too much of anything like sleeping, sitting, eating, smoking, drinking etc.

4) It helps you to do everything in moderation and a limited quantity.

5) Exercise is the main pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and it helps in burning all the fat that has accumulated by the sedentary lifestyle.

6) Avoiding motorbikes or car and walking or cycling for a shorter distance is a part of a healthy lifestyle.

7) Dumping fried, oily, sweet and spicy food and relying on fresh fruits, salads and whole grains is the best way to shed extra kilos from the body.

8) Eating five small meals than three heavy meals will help to avoid overeating.

9) Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs to lead a healthy lifestyle.

10) Choosing a healthy lifestyle will help you to preserve this wealth for a lifetime.

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