
The Golden Touch Of Midas

A long time ago, there lived a king in Greece named Midas.

He was extremely wealthy and had all the gold he could ever need. He also had a daughter whom he loved very much.

One day, Midas saw a Satyr (an angel) who was stuck and was in trouble. Midas helped the Satyr and asked for his wish to be granted in return.

The Satyr agreed and Midas wished for everything he touched to be turned to gold. His wish was granted.

Extremely excited, Midas went home to his wife and daughter touching pebbles, rocks, and plants on the way, which turned into gold.

As his daughter hugged him, she turned into a golden statue.

Having learnt his lesson, Midas begged the Satyr to reverse the spell who granted that everything would go back to their original state.

Moral of the story
Stay content and grateful for what you have. Greed will not get you anywhere.

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