Kids Stories

The Lion And The Mouse

One day in the jungle, the lion lay asleep. A little mouse playing about runs up and down on the sleeping lion.

“Aaargh!” roared the lion and held up the squeaking little mouse.

“Please let me go! Let me go! I will help you one day for your kindness today!” squealed the little mouse.

“You’re too tiny to help me! Off you go,” said the lion amused as the little mouse ran away.

A few days go by when the little mouse heard a roar: “Help me!”

The little mouse was scared but it walked on and on until it came across the lion caught in the net!

“I see you need my help now!” it said.

“Please help me!” groaned the lion in pain.

The little one immediately chewed across the net until the lion was free.

From that day on the lion and the mouse remained friends!

Moral of the story
No one is too small to help! When you show kindness to others, you can reap the rewards.

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