Kids Stories

Price of Diamond

It is a matter of old times that there was a Gurukul. Many children used to study there. The teacher of the Gurukul used to make all the children aware of moral values ​​along with education.

Three close friends were made in the same Gurukul. John, Smith and Henry. The friendship of all three was very deep. The stories of their friendship were famous in the entire Gurukul. Guru ji was also very impressed by their friendship.

All three used to live together, study together. They used to eat together. A prince also used to study in the same Gurukul.

The prince lived in his pride. He considered all three to be very low.

Once Acharya ji called all the students and took them to a small mountain. After that he said – “Whichever student climbs to the top will get a reward.”

First of all the prince said – “Guru ji, it is our right to climb first, we will climb first.”

The prince started climbing. After climbing a little distance, he slipped and fell down. Seeing this everyone started laughing.

The prince got very angry but he could not say anything in front of Guru ji.

After that all the students tried one by one but whoever tried to climb would slip and fall down. Lastly, the turn of those three friends came.

The three discussed among themselves – “John, see, Smith has a good grip. He can climb. If all three of us try, then no one will be able to climb. Let us do one thing, John and I will support from below, first you sit on my shoulder, then Smith will sit on your shoulder, this way he will reach half the distance. It is not very slippery at the top. He will climb easily. If not all three of us, then at least one of us will get the prize.”

Hearing this, Smith said – “Okay brother, whatever prize I get, I will share it with both of you.”

John and Henry supported him and Smith somehow reached the top. After some time, all three came back to Guruji. Guruji was very happy to see their unity.

Guruji gave a silver box and said, son, open it when you are in trouble.

All three returned to Gurukul with the silver box.

But now the problem was how to distribute that silver box?

They hid the box in a place. After that John said – “Whoever is in trouble among the three of us will open this box and see.”

Some days passed like this. One day all three were going to the forest with other students of their Gurukul. They had kept the silver box in their pockets.

Just then the robbers surrounded them from all sides. All the students got very scared.

The robbers wanted to take them captive. Then their eyes fell on the prince. They caught the prince. So that they could loot a huge amount of gold and silver from the king.

They left everyone else. The prince was crying badly. No one was coming to help him. When they started taking the prince. Then John threw the silver box towards them. There was a diamond in the silver box. Seeing the diamond, the intentions of the robbers turned bad. They started killing each other to get that big diamond.

The prince got the chance and ran to his other companions. They all ran to Gurukul. On the other hand, all the robbers died because of the diamond.

The prince apologized to John, Smith and Henry. After that he told everything to his father the king. The king called all three of them to his palace and honored them.

When they came back to their Gurukul, they asked their Guruji – “Guruji, why did you give us such a precious diamond?”

Hearing this, the Guruji started laughing and said – “Son, it was just a piece of glass. Which looked exactly like a diamond. It had no value.

But it is also priceless because it saved the lives of all of you and destroyed your enemy forever.

If you had opened that silver box at that time, you would have become enemies to get it. That is why I had forbidden you. In times of trouble, you loved your life more than diamonds. That is why your life was saved. That day when I was helping you climb the mountain, you showed unity and helped your friend to climb up.

All the students were very happy with this teaching of Guruji.

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