Kids Stories

Magical Book

In a city, a thief named Pintu used to steal at night. While stealing, Pintu used to be very smart. He had a wife Komal and a five-year-old son at home.

One day he was stealing from a house when he saw a box kept in a room. The thief quickly reaches that room.

Going inside the room, he looks at the box carefully. It was an old rusted box, the thief thinks what would be in it, it must be junk, if the family members wake up while trying to open it, he will get a bad beating.

Pintu goes back, but as soon as he reaches the door, greed awakens in his mind again. He runs to the box. Then his eyes fall on the heavy old lock hanging on it.

Pintu: If you try to break this lock, the family members will wake up. Let me do one thing, I will take this box with me.

Thinking this, Pintu takes the box with him and walks towards the house. On reaching home, Pintu keeps the rest of the stolen goods aside and first of all starts opening the box.

After working hard for a long time, when the box opens, a big book comes out from it. Seeing this, Pintu beats his head.

Pintu: Oh God, you made me work so hard for this useless book. Even a junk dealer will not take it.

Pintu takes out the book and starts throwing it away. He thinks, let me sell the trunk and the lock to the junk dealer.

Then he sees that it was written on the book. “If you want to change your fate, read it.” Seeing this, Pintu stops. And sits down to read the book.

It was written on the first page of the book.

I will fulfill your three wishes but in return you will have to pay a price for each wish.

Pintu turns the next page.

It was written on it –

Keep this book back where you brought it from, otherwise it will be ruined.

It was written on the page right in front of him.

“Tell me your first wish but be ready to pay the price.”

Kaalu turns the page. It was written on it –

1. I want money

2. I want a woman

3. I want to be immortal.

Kaalu thinks that he will earn as much money as he wants but he should become immortal.

He puts his finger on immortality. Then he turns the next page.

It was written on it – “Your wish has been fulfilled, you have become immortal.”

Turns the page for the second wish –

1. I want money

2. I want power

3. I want a beautiful woman

Kaalu asks for money. He puts his finger on money.

Then he turns the next page. It was written on it –

“Your house will be filled with wealth.”

Kaalu is very happy and then he turns the third page. It was written on it –

1. I want power

2. I want a beautiful woman

3. He wants to get rid of all three wishes.

This time Pintu puts his finger on the throne. Then he turns the next page. It was written on it –

“You will get the throne tomorrow.”

Now it is time to pay the price. Turn the page

Turn the next page to pay the price. As soon as Pintu turns the next page, it was written on it –

“I want your son.”

On reading this, Pintu starts crying.

Pintu: Oh God, when I don’t have a son, what will I do by being immortal.

He quickly turns the second page. It was written on it –

“I want your wife.”

On reading this, Pintu becomes mad. When I don’t have a wife and son, what will I do alone.

He turns the third page crying. It was written on it –

“I want the strength of your hands and feet.”

On reading this, he sees that his hands and feet are not moving.

Tears were flowing from Pintu’s eyes.

When my wife, son and body will not be with me then what will I do with this wealth and power if I am alive.

He starts shouting loudly –

“I don’t want anything, I don’t want anything.”

Then his wife wakes him up from sleep.

Wife: What happened? Are you alright?

Pintu: Where is that box and book? Throw it away.

Wife: Which box, which book? You did not go to steal yesterday. You slept the whole night. I have forbidden you from doing wrong things many times before but you do not think of anything other than stealing.

Pintu: I will never go to steal again. I will earn money by working hard. Otherwise someone will snatch both of you.

From the next day onwards Pintu started driving a rickshaw on rent. His wife and son were very happy.

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