Kids Stories

The Farmer and the Butter

A farmer sold a pound of butter to a baker. The baker, suspecting that the farmer was not providing the full weight, decided to weigh the butter. To his dismay, the baker discovered that the farmer had indeed given him less than a pound. Angry, the baker took the farmer to court, accusing him of dishonesty.

In court, the judge asked the farmer if he had used a proper measure to weigh the butter. The farmer admitted that he did not possess a proper measure but instead used a scale. The judge questioned how the farmer measured the butter, and the farmer shared a clever method. He explained that he had been buying a pound loaf of bread from the baker every day and used the weight of the bread to determine the weight of the butter. The judge ruled in favor of the farmer, highlighting the importance of honesty and fair play.

Moral of the Story: Honesty is always the best policy. Cheating and dishonesty will eventually be exposed, and truth will prevail.


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