Kids Stories

10 Lines on KiwiFruit

1. Kiwifruit, also known as kiwi or Chinese gooseberry, is a small, brown, fuzzy fruit.
2. The inside of a kiwifruit is vibrant green with tiny black seeds.
3. It has a sweet and tangy flavor that makes it a unique and tasty treat.
4. Kiwifruits grow on vines and are native to New Zealand.
5. They are rich in vitamin C, even more than oranges, which is excellent for your immune system.
6. Kiwifruits are also a good source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion.
7. You can eat kiwifruits by slicing them in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon.
8. Some people enjoy the skin, while others prefer to peel it before eating.
9. Kiwifruits are used in salads, desserts, and smoothies to add a burst of flavor.
10. Including kiwifruits in your diet is a delicious way to promote overall health.

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