Kids Stories

10 Lines on Mangos

1. Mangos are delicious fruits that come in different colors like yellow, orange, and green.
2. They have a sweet and juicy taste that makes them a favorite treat.
3. Mangos grow on big trees in warm and sunny places.
4. When you peel a mango, you find a juicy, golden fruit inside.
5. The inside of a mango has a large seed, so you have to eat around it.
6. Mangos are packed with vitamins that help keep you healthy.
7. You can eat mangos on their own or mix them into smoothies and salads.
8. They are often called the “king of fruits” because of their delicious flavor.
9. Mangos are enjoyed in many countries around the world.
10. So, grab a ripe mango and enjoy a tasty and healthy snack!

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