10 Lines on Amazon River
1) Amazon River is the largest river in the world which flows in the South America.
2) It is the largest river in the world due to the amount of volume of water it holds.
3) Amazon River flows through the tropical forests of South America, especially Brazil.
4) The length of Amazon River is 6400 km and its catchment area is 6,300,000 km2.
5) Amazon River originates in the Andes Mountains located in western South America.
6) It enters Brazil with one-fifth of the flow and then it drains in Atlantic Ocean.
7) The biggest city which is situated on the banks of Amazon River is the Manaus.
8) In the city of Iquitos, the Amazon River divides into the Maranon and the Ucayali rivers.
9) Amazon River basin is the largest river basin of the world with the area of 7,050,000 km2.
10) The river has 1100 tributaries out of which 12 are of the size greater than 1500 km.